
Theology Bites - Bible 3

 Another Bible reflection - one from a while back I had forgotten I posted! Really should have checked out my YouTube Channel!

Theology Bites - Bible 2

 A bit more on the Bible. I recorded this some months back, actually over a year ago, and didn't post it here! Ooops.  I think it follows on well from my last posting which I put up on YouTube earlier today - the title on YouTube is 'Bible Intro'  ! 

Theology Bites 5 - Bible 1

 An introduction as to why I continue to find the Bible fascinating and full of depth... 

Theology Bites 4 - More Jesus Thoughts.

 Continuing the series - nearly there with what I have recorded so far! Some further thoughts on Jesus - there could be many many more, but I think there's only two more to come. Comments etc welcome!

Theology Bites 3 - Jesus thinkings

 Theology around Jesus is a whole discipline in itself, in fact called "Christology" - I can only dip into the ocean of words and thoughts on the subject, but even then (at about 8 minutes a video) I will have to divide these thoughts up into about three or four parts. So here's the first one relating to Christology - particularly to the ideas around what we call 'Incarnational Theology'

Theology Bites 2

And here's a second short video about thinking theologically - none of this is definitive, nor do I claim to have a handle on it all, and as you may have seen in the first video, I sometimes stumble and need to backtrack (3 legged Stool vs Lambeth Quadrilateral, anyone?) Anyway, again, likes and comments and reflections and discussions very much welcome.