I’ve done two services this morning and have written a sermon for them, now i have to put together some thoughts for this evening when we have a special service for a flower festival! We’ve not had such a festival for a few years in this parish, certainly not since I came, but part of the recognition of different ages and interests in our churches is to do things which appeal to a certain constituent of villages! Despite being the hip and groovy Vicar i am - I do like flower festivals, not just for the time, effort and creativity that goes into creating the arrangements and displays, but for the sense of community and friendship that is present at such events. I’m looking forward to my trip to Eltisley this afternoon and my service this evening! So, on with the sermon! As always, the text continues at New Kid Deep Stuff ! Zechariah 4.1-6a,10b-14 (or) 2 Timothy 4.6-8,17,18 Psalm 125 Acts 12.1-11 Matthew 16.13-19 Lousy Choice (of followers)? I am not in the habit of hanging aroun...