Continuing on a theme
Still getting through putting this MA Thesis online - did I say before it was submitted in the late 1990s? It passed, though not with flying colours, and I am the happy recipient of a MA in Pastoral Theology...
Disappointed by the inability of blogger to cope with Greek lettering which I was very proud of in the original! Again, taster below, link to New Kid Deep Stuff Blog where the longer stuff I want to post lives...
As the New Testament forms
the basis of the understanding and beliefs from which today’s church operates,
or at least claims to operate, it
provides us with a basis for examining the structures of power and of authority
within which the present day Christian community works. [more]
Disappointed by the inability of blogger to cope with Greek lettering which I was very proud of in the original! Again, taster below, link to New Kid Deep Stuff Blog where the longer stuff I want to post lives...
The nature of power in
Pastoral Ministry
Chapter 2
A New Testament