Country Music - a guilty pleasure

Amongst all the things I have discovered since I arrived in Victoria, I didn't expect to discover, or rediscover, Country Music.  I grew up listening to Slim Whitman, Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins and others (Many of the Irish families I know love Country and Western Music).  Following a Clergy Day last week I was reminded by the Bishop of a somewhat 'guilty pleasure' I have of enjoying Country Music, though I must admit on the whole my tastes to veer to New Country!

There are two things I have discovered here - one of them is Country Music in French - a genre I should've realised existed as I have seen such wonders as French Country Music albums in French stores, but the fact of French Country as a genre somehow never quite clicked.

The other discovery is that Canada has a thriving Country scene of its own.  Not a great leap of imagination to realise that is the case, the 'Western Spirit' is strong in this pioneer nation.  I always think of Country as 'Southern' music - but that's obviously not the case.

What I do like is that Country Music is able to laugh at itself, and amongst the (admittedly frequent) bouts of mawkish sentimentality and nostalgia that seems to be the hallmark of much Country music... along with lots of heartbreak, there's also some fun stuff.  So here's 'Bible on The Dash' by Canadian Country Artiste Corb Lund. Enjoy.


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