Another sermon - as seems to be the way of this blog at present! Life is busy and complicated, and good, and bad, and exciting, and challenging, and (in short) not conducive to getting Blog posts written! So, here's my thought for today taken from these passages (Click for details): Exodus 16:1–5, 9–15, Psalm 78;18–29 Mt 13.1–9 Grace and Meaning In the words of St Paul, or perhaps St John, or maybe St George, or even St Ringo “When I was younger, so much younger than today.” Ah, sorry, couldn’t resist! No, it’s not a tubby boy story – but just a general reflection that today’s story from the book of Exodus used to cause me great consternation. Or at least was one of those parts of Scripture that didn’t seem to fit… I knew the story, the mythological story I am now convinced, of the temptations in the wilderness when Jesus proclaims, quoting Deuteronomy 6 ‘you shall not put the Lord your God to the test’. As I moved into the Anglican Church and ...
Is there a way of searching your 'tags' or labels as blogger seems to call them?
Why can't I get beta?
Thank you for nice comment on blog :-)
The 'labels' seem to be less sophisticated than tags, so if you click on one all that happens is every post under that label comes up, but you can't specifically search
With regards to beta, i think its been rolled out quite quickly now, on the right hand side of your dashboard page there should be an option to upgrade/sidewardsgrade or whatever to beta, which will prompt you to open a google account if you don't already have one, or to log in if you do.
The drawback is once on beta you can't comment on other blogspot blogs which aren't beta - hence no recent comments from me at (well the least i could do is put your address into circulation!)