Have already delivered this sermon, and am thinking about how I might adapt its central theme to a change of reading for this evening's service, as this evening we will have the Old Testament reading instead of the verses from Philippians... Year C Lent 5 Passion Sunday (2007) RCL Principal Isaiah 43.16-21 Philippians 3. 4b-14 John 12.1-8 Passionate There are a number of things I am passionate about and over a pint and packet of peanuts will wax lyrical over all sorts of things – Motorcycles, guitars, Star Trek, philosophy, real ale, music, movies, children, marriage – the list goes on and on; and so I do, as many people will tell you. A couple of weeks ago we had our marriage preparation day, which we offer to all couples soon to marry in the Parish Churches of our Papworth Team. It was a good day, and it is always invigorating to see young (and not so young) people setting out on the journey of discovery that is marriage. These people are passionate about each other, and want the...