Thought for the week further catch up!
This one is from the second week in Lent! I will get through them all soon, promise
On the whole our national news media seem to enjoy pointing out the mistakes made by the Church at large or the points at which it struggles. My experience of Church has been, though, that the true face of the Church is the local fellowship – though I am happy to be a part of a wider Church family and I hold my Bishops in great respect. In the end, don’t judge Christian Faith by news reports (except the good things our local papers say!). If you want to explore faith, and see the Christian life in action look to Christians around you, to your local fellowships of all different traditions, to those who are seeking on a day to day basis to follow Jesus. We do fail, we make mistakes, but we are trying with God’s help to live and share the Good News of Jesus Christ where we are.
I do however need a response because she comes into my orbit often and every time she sees me she attacks my beliefs (in front of everybody) with that same topic.